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Showing posts from April, 2020

Are you even in Lockdown unless you make fresh Pasta?

With the UK going nuts for bog roll and baking ingredients - I imagine it is easier to get class A drugs than a bag of strong white flour at the moment! With that in mind, I'd normally recommend 00 flour for pasta, however, whatever you have will do as long as it's not self-raising!  Like a lot of people, I went through a range of emotions when social distancing measures where imposed- especially when they closed schools and nurseries! I had positive days where I did home workouts and yoga in the garden listening to the bird song. I also had days where I cried and felt intense guilt for having to go to the supermarket to get milk and a relentless sense of impending doom.  I think this dish was the catalyst that reignited my love of cooking (I didn't realise that it had gone until I made this) and actually gave me something to focus my mind.  The best thing about this dish is that you don't need to own a pasta machine that will just sit in a cupboard gatheri


Hi, I'm Charlotte!  Firstly thank you for choosing to read my ramblings and hopefully trying my recipes!  I cannot take all the credit for the food published of course. I take cookery inspiration from everywhere I visit and every meal I try and obsess over recipes from amazing cooks such as Nigella and Gizzie Erksine. To be honest I think about food from the moment I wake up, to the moment I go to sleep (and I often even dream of meals I have eaten haha!).  I am not a professional chef by no means. I'll never win awards or competitions for my food presentation, however, I can safely say my passion is cooking for my family & friends and enjoying the food I make! Hearing that people enjoy my food, or have tried something I've recommended honestly makes my day.  By day, I'm a managing director of a software consultancy and a mum to a nearly 4-year-old and wife to my husband Chris.  Please feel free to comment on my pictures with any questions you may have a